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Cooperation areas with South Africa discussed at Belarus' ministry of natural resources

News 22.11.2023 | 18:40

MINSK, 22 November (BelTA) - Promising areas of cooperation with South Africa were discussed at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus, BelTA learned from the press service of the ministry.

Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Andrei Khudyk held a meeting with Igor Bely, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to South Africa with concurrent accreditation to the Republic of Botswana, the Republic of Mozambique and the Republic of Namibia.

In accordance with Council of Ministers' Resolution No.160 of 20 March 2020 “On the activities of collegial entities”, the minister of natural resources and environmental protection is the designated official responsible for increasing and diversifying Belarusian exports to the Republic of South Africa.

Igor Bely 

“The parties discussed prospects for the development of bilateral Belarusian-South African relations in a wide range of areas. There are plans to work out the possibility of expanding cooperation in manufacturing (assembly of Belarusian agricultural machinery) and cooperation in geological exploration and mining. The parties agreed to further consolidate the efforts of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the Belarusian embassy in South Africa to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks set by the head of state,” the ministry said.

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